Exploratory Students

What does it mean to be Exploratory at Georgia Southern?

As an Exploratory student you may be getting a lot of questions from people about what you want your major to be and you might be feeling a little overwhelmed thinking about how you will make this decision. Georgia Southern is a great place to explore all of your options and we are here to help you along in the decision-making process! At Georgia Southern, we organize majors into Focus Areas, which are clusters of majors that share a lot of characteristics and overlap in coursework. You can choose to be Exploratory in one of our nine Focus Areas.

Declaring an Exploratory Focus Area can help you by:

  • narrowing down your interest and choices
  • providing opportunities to take classes that lead you into a range of related majors
  • helping to keep you on the path for graduating on time

Meet Your Advisor

  • Sharon Hathaway (shathaway@georgiasouthern.edu)
    • Academic Advisor – Armstrong Campus
  • BriAnne Newton (briannenewton@georgiasouthern.edu)
    • Academic Advisor – Statesboro Campus
  • Rachel Anne Spencer (rspencer@georgiasouthern.edu)
    • Academic Advisor – Liberty Campus
  • Cate Garcia (cnussbaum@georgiasouthern.edu)
    • Assistant Director of Advising, Retention and Completion
      Interim Coordinator Exploratory Advisement

If you have chosen an exploratory focus area on the Statesboro Campus, your advisor is within that area’s college. Click here to find your advisor!