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David J. Crossley, Ph.D.

Professor of Geophysics
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Courses Taught

Is Earth Unique?; Sustainable Energy; Computer Applications in Earth Science; Future Energy; Scientific Communications; Seismic Exploration; Gravity and Magnetics Exploration; Sustainability and the Return to Rail; Intro to Physics of the Solid Earth; Time Series Analysis; Properties of Earth Materials; Geoscience Seminar; Geoscience Journal Club; Introductory Fluid Dynamics


Ph.D., University of British Columbia, 1973 
M.S., University of British Columbia, 1969 
B.S., University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1966 

Research Interests

  • The Earth's time-variable gravity field IGETS (International Geodynamics and Earth Tides Service) 
  • Global Earth dynamics, including Earth rotation and normal modes
  • Structure and dynamics of the liquid core
  • Structure and dynamics of the inner core

Publications and Media Placements

Edited Books

Crossley, D. J., 1997. Earth's Deep Interior, 1st edition, Gordon & Breach, Amsterdam, 453 pp.

Refereed Papers and Conference Proceedings 

Crossley, D. J., 2003. Can a stably stratified layer in the core be detected using seismic normal modes or Earth rotation? in: AGU Geophysical Monographs, Geodynamics Series, 31, 241-250, American Geophysical Union.

Llubes, M., N. Florsch, B. Legresy, J. M. Lemoine, S. Loyer, D. Crossley, and F. Remy, 2003. Crustal thickness in Antarctica from CHAMP gravimetry, Earth Planet. Sci.  Lett.  212, (1-2), 103-117.

Crossley, D., J. Hinderer, N. Florsch and M. Llubes, 2003. The potential of ground gravity measurements to validate GRACE data, Advances in Geosciences (in press).

Crossley, D., J. Hinderer, 2002. GGP Ground Truth for Satellite Gravity Missions, Bull. D鈥橧nf. Marees Terr., 136, 10735-10742.

Crossley, D. J., J. Hinderer, and M. Amalvict, 2001. A spectral comparison of absolute and superconducting gravimeter data, J. Geodetic Soc. Japan, 47, 373-379.

Hinderer, J. and D. J. Crossley, 2000. Time variations in gravity and inferences on the Earth's structure and dynamics, Surveys in Geophysics, 21, 1-45.

Xu, S., D. J. Crossley, and A. M. K. Szeto, 1999. Variations in length of day and inner core differential rotation from gravitational coupling, Phys. Earth and Planet. Int., 117, 95-110.

Crossley, D. J. et al., 1999. Network of superconducting gravimeters benefits several disciplines, EOS, 80, pp. 121-126.

Banka, D. and D. J. Crossley, 1999. Noise levels of superconducting gravimeters at seismic frequencies, Geophys. J. Int., 139, 87-97.

Crossley, D. J. and S. Xu., 1998. Analysis of superconducting gravimeter data from Table Mountain, Colorado, Geophys. J. Int., 135, 835-844.

Crossley, D. J., S. Xu., and T. van Dam, 1998, Comprehensive analysis of 2 years of SG data from table mountain, Colorado, in: Proceedings 13th International Symposium on Earth Tides, Brussels, pp. 659-668, Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Brussels.

Crossley, D. J. and M.G. Rochester, 1996. The subseismic approximation in core dynamics - II. Love numbers and surface gravity, Geophys., J. Int., 125, 830-840.

Crossley, D. J.  and J. Hinderer, 1995. GGP, The Global Geodynamics Project - Status Report 1994, Conseil de l' Europe: Cahiers du Center Europ茅ean de G茅odynamique et de S茅ismologie, Proceedings of the Workshop: Non Tidal Gravity Changes Intercomparison between absolute and superconducting gravimeters, 11, pp. 244-274.

Crossley, D. J., O. G. Jensen and J. Hinderer, 1995. Effective barometric admittance and gravity residuals, Phys. Earth Planet Int., 90, 221-241.

Hinderer, J., D. Crossley, and O. Jensen, 1995. A search for the Slichter triplet in superconducting gravimeter data, Phys. Earth Planet Int., 90, 183-195.

Jensen, O., J. Hinderer, and D. J. Crossley, 1995. Noise limitations in the core-mode band of superconducting gravimeter data, Phys. Earth Planet Int., 90, 169-181.

Hinderer, J., D. J. Crossley, and H. Xu, 1994. A two-year comparison between the French and Canadian superconducting gravimeter data, Geophys. J; Int.; 116, 252-266.

Crossley, D. J., 1993. The Earth's Core, Geoscience Canada, 20, 100-113.

Hinderer, J. and D. J. Crossley, 1993. Core dynamics and surface gravity changes, in Dynamics of Earth's Deep Interior and Earth Rotation, AGU Geophysical Monograph, 72, 1-16.

Crossley, D. J., 1993. The gravity effect of core modes for a rotating Earth, J. Geomag., Geoelec., 45, 1371-1381.

Crossley, D. J., M. G. Rochester, and Z. R. Peng, 1993. Correction to: Slichter modes and Love numbers, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 333.

Crossley, D. J., M. G. Rochester, and Z. R. Peng, 1992. Slichter modes and Love numbers, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 1679-1682.

Hinderer, H., Legros, H.  and D. Crossley, 1991. Global Earth dynamics and induced gravity changes, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 20257-20625.

Crossley, D.  and M. G. Rochester, 1992. The subseismic approximation in core dynamics, Geophys. J. Int., 108, 502-506.

Florsch, N., J.  Hinderer, D. J. Crossley, H. Legros, and B. Valette, 1991. Preliminary spectral analysis of the residual signal of a superconducting gravimeter for periods shorter than one day, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 68, 85-96.

Crossley, D., J., J. Hinderer, and H. Legros, 1991. On the excitation, detection and damping of core modes, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 68, 97-116.

Keating, P. B.  and D. J. Crossley, 1990. The inversion of time-domain airborne electromagnetic data using the plate model, Geophysics, 55No. 6, 705-711.

Jensen, O. G., J. P. Todoeschuck, D. J. Crossley, and M. Gregotski, M., 1990. Fractal linear models of geophysical processes, in: Scaling, Fractals and Non-linear Variability in Geophysics, pp. 225-238, ed. Schertzer, D. and Lovejoy, S., Kluwer, Dordrecht.

Melchior, P. V., D. J. Crossley, V. P. Dehant, and B. Ducarme, 1989. Have inertial waves been identified from the Earth's core? in: Structure and Dynamics of Earth's Deep Interior, Geophysical Monograph 46, IUGG Volume 1, pp. 1-12, ed. D. E. Smylie and R. Hide, AGU.

Crossley, D. J., 1989. The excitation of core modes by earthquakes, in: Structure and Dynamics of Earth's Deep Interior, Geophysical Monograph 46, IUGG Volume 1, pp. 41-50, ed. D. E.  Smylie and R. Hide, AGU.

Crossley, D. J.  and O. G. Jensen, 1989. Fractal velocity models in refraction seismology, Pure and App. Geophys., 131, 61-76.

Jensen, O. G., J. P. Todoeschuck, D. J. Crossley, and M. Gregotski, 1988. Fractal linear models of geophysical processes, Scaling, Fractals and Nonlinear Variability in Geophysics Workshop, Montreal, August 15-29.

Todoeschuck, J. and D. J. Crossley, 1988. Non-linear anelasticity and the free oscillations of the Earth, Geophys. J. Roy. Astr. Soc., 95, 323-326.

Rigoti, A. and D. J. Crossley, 1987. Reduction of ambiguity in geoelectric models using multiple data sets, Revista Brasiliera de Geofisica, 5, 29-41.

Rochester, M. G. and D. J. Crossley, 1986. Earth's third ocean, the liquid core, EOS, Trans. AGU,  68, 491-492.

Crossley, D. J.  and O. G. Jensen, 1986. Fractal velocity models in refraction seismology? Pure App. Geophys., 131, 61-76.

Pilkington, M. and D. J. Crossley, 1986. A Kalman filtering approach to susceptibility mapping, Geophysics, 52, 655-664.

Pilkington, M. and D. J. Crossley, 1986. Inversion of aeromagnetic data for multilayered crustal models, Geophysics, 51, 2250-2254.

Pilkington, M. and D. J. Crossley, 1986. Determination of crustal interface topography from potential fields, Geophysics, 51, 1277-1284.

Crossley, D. J., O. G., Jensen, J. A. and Jacobs, 1986. The stochastic excitation of reversals in simple dynamos, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 42, 143-153.

Mereu, R. F., D. Wang, O. Kuhn, D. A. Forsyth, A. G. Green, P. Morel,  G. G. R. Buchbinder, D. Crossley, E., Schwarz, R., duBerger, C. Brooks, R. Clowes, 1986. The 1982 COCRUST long range seismic experiment across the Ottawa-Bonnechere Graben and Grenville front in Ontario and Quebec, Geophys. J., 84, 491-514.

Crossley, D. J., J. A. Jacobs, and O. G. Jensen, 1985. Reflections on reversals in the geomagnetic field, 5th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Prague, August 5-17.

Crossley, D.  J., 1984. Oscillatory flow in the liquid core, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 36, 1-16.

Crossley, D. J. and A. B. Reid, 1982. Inversion of gamma ray data for element abundances, Geophysics, 47, 117-126.

Todoeschuck, J. P., D. J. Crossley, M. G. and Rochester, 1981. Saturn's magnetic field and dynamo theory, Geophys. Res. Lett.,  8 (5), 505-508.

Crossley, D. J. and M. G. Rochester, 1980. Simple core undertones,  Geophys. J., 60, 129-161.

Crossley, D. J. and D. E. Smylie, 1975. Electromagnetic and viscous damping of core oscillations, Geophys. J., 42, 1101-1033.

Crossley, D. J., 1975. Core undertones with rotation, Geophys. J., 42, 477-488.

Crossley, D. J. and D. Gubbins, 1975. Static deformation of the Earth's liquid core, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 153-163.

Crossley, D. J., 1975. The free oscillation equations at the centre of the Earth, Geophys. J. Int., 41, 153-163.

Crossley, D. J. and G. K. C. Clarke, 1972. Gravity and shallow-ice temperature measurements on Rusty glacier, in: Icefield Ranges Research Project, Scientific Results, 3 pp. 93-101, ed.: Bushnell, V.C. and Ragle, R.H., American Geographic Society and Arctic Institute of North America.

Letters, Notes and Communications 

Crossley, D. J. and M. G. Rochester, 1993, Rebuttal to reply to comment on ``Numerical calculation of modes of oscillation of the Earth's core'' by D. E. Smylie, X. Jiang, B. J. Brennan and K. Sato, Geophys. J. Int., 115, 1206-1207.

Crossley, D. J. and M. G. Rochester, 1993. Comments on ``Numerical calculation of modes of oscillation of the Earth's core'' by D. E. Smylie, X. Jiang, B. J. Brennan and K. Sato, Geophys. J. Int., 115, 1202.

Crossley, D. J., 1982. Optimum use of multichannel gamma ray data, in: SEG Technical Program & Abstracts, 52nd annual meeting, Dallas, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, pp. 453-455.

Crossley, D. J., 1983. Comment "On the upper limit of undertone periods" by G. P. H. Pederson and B.  Bodri", Geophys. J. Int., 77, 415-420.

Crossley, D. J., 1976. Reply to comments on 'Core Undertones with Rotation' by M. L.  Smith, Geophys. J., 44, 729-732.

Crossley, D. J.  and R. K. Stevens, 1976. Expansion of the Earth due to a secular decrease in G - evidence from Mercury, Can. J. Earth Sci., 13, 1723-1725.

Non-Refereed Papers, Conference Abstracts and Proceedings 

Crossley, D. J. and J. Hinderer, 2001. Monitoring the Earth鈥檚 gravity field using the GGP network, EOS, Trans. AGU, 82 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G21A-01.

Crossley, D. J. and J. Hinderer, 1999. Global gravity campaigns - from the ground (GGP) to the sky (GRACE), IUGG XXII General Assembly, Abstract Volume A, A71-72.

Crossley, D. J., 1999. Inferences on core structure and flow from surface observations, IUGG XXII General Assembly, Abstract Volume B, B106.

Crossley, D. J. 1998. Gravity and dynamics of the deep interior, Sixth International SEDI Symposium, Abstract Volume p. 38.

Xu, S. and D. J. Crossley, 1998. Variations in LOD and IC differential rotation caused by gravitational coupling, Sixth International SEDI Symposium, Abstract Volume p. 170.

Crossley, D., S. Xu and T. van Dam, 1997. Analysis of Superconducting Gravimeter Data from Table Mountain, Colorado, paper G31B-05, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. U., 78, p. F152.

Crossley, D., S. Xu and T. van Dam, 1997, Comprehensive analysis of 2 years of SG data from Table Mountain, Colorado, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Earth Tides, Brussels, Belgium, July 22-25.

Banka, D. and D. J. Crossley, 1997. The seismic noise magnitude and its application to superconducting gravimeters, paper S31B-7, EOS, Trans. AGU,  78, p. F462.

Crossley, D. J., 1994. Exploring Earth's Gravity Spectrum, Geotimes, 39, 19-21.

Crossley, D. J., J. Hinderer, O. Jensen, and H. Xu, 1993. A slew rate detection criterion applied to SG data processing, Bull. d'Inf. Mar. Terr., 117, 8675-8704.

Hinderer, J., D. J. Crossley, and H. Xu, 1993. Gravity Noise Levels from a 2 year Comparison of two Superconducting Gravimeter Data, Bull. d'Inf. Mar. Terr., 116, 8612-8626.

Crossley, D. J., 1993. Core modes and Slichter modes - fact and fancy, Bull. d'Inf. Mar. Terr., 117, 8628-8638.

Hinderer, J., D. Crossley, and N. Florsch, N., 1991. Analysis of residual gravity signals using different tidal potentials, in Workshop ``High Precision Tidal Data Processing'', Bonn University 10-12 October, Bull. d'Inf. Mar. Terr., 110, 7986-8001.

Aldridge, K., D. J. Crossley, L. Mansinha, L. and D. E. Smylie, 1991. GGP: The Global Geodynamics Project (Working Version, April 15, 1991), Conseil de l'Europe: Cahiers du Centre Europ茅en de G茅odynamique et de S茅ismologie, Proceedings of the Workshop: Non Tidal Gravity Changes - Intercomparison between absolute and superconducting gravimeters, pp. 169-196, e. C.  Poitevin, Joseph Beffort, Luxembourg.

Bower, D. R., J. Liard, and D. J. Crossley, 1991. Preliminary calibration and drift assessment of the superconducting gravimeter GWR12 through comparison with the absolute gravimeter JILA-2, in: Conseil de l'Europe: Cahiers du Centre Europ茅en de G茅odynamique et de S茅ismologie, Proceedings of the Workshop: Non Tidal Gravity Changes Intercomparison between absolute and superconducting gravimeters, pp. 129-142, ed. C.  Poitevin, Joseph Beffort, Luxembourg.

Crossley, D. J., 1981. The theory of EM surface wave impedance measurements, in: Geophysical Applications of Surface Wave Impedance Measurements, pp. 1-17, ed. L. S. Collett and O.G. Jensen, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 81-15.

Matheson, C. C. and D. J. Crossley, 1981. Graphical and numerical interpretation in VLF-resistivity studies, Geophysical Applications of Surface Wave Impedance Measurements, pp. 49-65, ed. L. S. Collett and O.G. Jensen, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 81-15.

Teemull, F. and D. J. Crossley, 1981, Inversion of VLF data for two-layer lateral inhomogeneities, in  Geophysical  Applications of Surface Wave Impedance Measurements, pp. 79-86, ed. L. S. Collett and O.G. Jensen, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 81-15.

Crossley, D. J., 1979. Oceans, atmosphere, and the Earth's core, CGU Fredericton, EOS, Trans. AGU,  60 (42), 753.

Books Reviewed

Stacey, F. D., 1992. Physics of the Earth, 3rd edition, Brookfield Press, Brisbane, 513 pp.

Lapwood, E. R. and Usami, T., 1981. Free Oscillations of the Earth, 1st edition, Cambridge University Press, New York, 243 pp.