Centers & Outreach

The Waters College of Health Professions houses several centers and outreach programs: Magnolia Coastlands Area Health Education Center (AHEC), Waters College of Health Professions Advisement Center, Biodynamics and Human Performance Center, Center for Nursing Scholarship and Research, RiteCare Center for Communication Disorders, Center for Rehabilitation and Independent Living (CRIL), and Tactical Athlete Initiative.


Magnolia Coastlands AHEC (MCAHEC) is a private, non-profit, community-based organization governed by a Board of Directors. MCAHEC is committed to providing high quality, accessible, educational programs and services designed to meet the specific needs of the health care practitioners, students and health professions’ faculty residing and working in its 39 county service area through community and academic partnerships.

Center for Advising, Retention and Completion

The advisement center provides students housed within the Waters College of Health Professions with academic advisement. The center assists students with course selection and scheduling, provides major and minor information, provides change of major and/or major application assistance, and verifies/grants approval for transient coursework.

The Biodynamics and Human Performance Center is dedicated to studying the prevention, evaluation and treatment of movement related diseases and injury. The Center is divided into three sections: the Biomechanics Laboratory, the Muscle Performance Laboratory and the Exercise Physiology Laboratory.

The RiteCare Center for Communication Disorders is a teaching communication disorder center with a mission to enhance the lives of children and adults with communication impairments through excellence in client care, research and education and to provide knowledge, training and relevant practical experiences for developing clinical-fellowship-ready speech-language pathologists.

The Center for Rehabilitation and Independent Living (CRIL) focuses on enhancing community-engaged research and service to the Coastal region while promoting interdisciplinary and cross-campus research within the WCHP. By combining the expertise of faculty in the human movement sciences and clinical rehabilitation, we aim to improve the health and functioning of individuals in the region. The Center emphasizes research and service in the assessment, rehabilitation, and enhancement of human movement across the lifespan.


Tactical Athlete Initiative

The Tactical Athlete Initiative mission is to reduce the number of injuries and increase readiness and preparedness of tactical athletes through collaborative partnerships with the military, law enforcement and firefighters. éÙ×ÓÊÓƵ seeks to achieve this mission through, Education, Service and Research

Interprofessional Health Professions Collaboration

The Waters College of Health Professions fosters collaboration among health professionals, students, educators and community partners with a focus on enhancing patient and population-centered care through interprofessional teamwork and core competencies in collaborative healthcare.