The Office Directory serves as a central hub to connect students, faculty, staff, and visitors with all administrative and academic offices at 橘子视频. This page provides easy access to each office’s official website, offering contact information, resources, and services to meet your needs. Whether you’re seeking academic support, campus services, or administrative guidance, the Office Directory helps you find the right office quickly and efficiently.
Name | Website Link | College/Division |
Accountancy, School of | colleges/parker-business/departments/school-of-accountancy/ | Parker College of Business |
Addiction Recovery, Center for | /jphcoph/addiction/ | Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, Centers and Institutes |
Africana Studies, Center for | /cah/africana/ | College of Arts and Humanities, Centers and Institutes |
Alcohol & Other Drugs Programs, Office of | /students/swhp/programs-services/physical-wellbeing/aod-basics/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Alumni Relations | | Division of Advancement |
Art & Theatre, Center for | /cah/cat/ | College of Arts and Humanities, Centers and Institutes |
Art, Betty Foy Sanders Dept of | /colleges/arts-humanities/departments/art/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
Arts & Humanities, College of | /colleges/arts-humanities/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
Ascension Magazine | | University Libraries |
Athletic Foundation | | Division of Business and Finance |
Athletics | | Division of Business and Finance |
Audit & Advisory Services, Office of | /president/audit/ | Office of the President |
Auxiliary Services | /auxiliary/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Adult and Online Learning | /admissions-aid/adult-learners-online-learning/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Behavioral and Social Sciences, College of | /colleges/behavioral-social-sciences/ | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Biology, Dept of | /colleges/science-mathematics/departments/biology | College of Science and Mathematics |
Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Physics, Dept of | /colleges/science-mathematics/departments/biochemistry-chemistry-physics | College of Science and Mathematics |
Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Environmental Health Sciences | /colleges/public-health/departments/biostatistics-epidemiology-environmental-health/ | Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health |
Botanic Garden at 橘子视频 | /academics/garden/ | Division of Academic Affairs, Centers and Institutes |
Budget Office | /finserv/budgets/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Bursar | /finserv/bursar/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Business Innovation Group (BIG) | /research/big/ | Office of Research |
Business, Parker College of | colleges/parker-business/ | Parker College of Business |
Camp Lawton | /cbss/camp-lawton/ | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Centers and Institutes |
Camp RAD | /chp/cril/ | Waters College of Health Professions, Centers and Institutes |
Campus Life Enrichment Committee (CLEC) | /president/inclusive-excellence/clec-faq/ | Office of Inclusive Excellence |
Campus Map | /map/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Campus Recreation & Intramurals | /recreation/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Career and Professional Development, Office of | | Division of Student Affairs |
Catering | /auxiliary/catering/ | Division of Business and Finance |
CEMITURE, NSF-REU in Chemistry | /cosm/reu/ | College of Science and Mathematics, Centers and Institutes |
Center for Innovative Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing Solutions (CITEMS) | /cec/citems/ | College of Engineering and Computing, Centers and Institutes |
Cheer Program | | Division of Business and Finance |
Chief Information Officer, Office of the | /its/cio/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Child Development Center | /cbss/child-development-center/ | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Centers and Institutes |
Chinese Students & Scholars Association | /academics/csa/ | Division of Academic Affairs |
Civil Engineering & Construction, Dept of | /colleges/engineering-computing/departments/civil-engineering-construction | College of Engineering and Computing |
Clinical Sciences, Dept of | /colleges/health-professions/departments/clinical | Waters College of Health Professions |
Coastal Georgia Center | | Centers and Institutes |
College of Education Graduate Academic Services Center | /coe/gasc/ | College of Education |
College of Education Office of Field Experiences & Partnerships | /coe/field-experiences/ | College of Education |
College of Education Office of Graduate Education & Research | /coe/ger/ | College of Education |
College of Education Unit Assessment & Accreditation | /coe/assessment-accreditation/ | College of Education |
Communication Arts, Dept of | /colleges/arts-humanities/departments/communication-arts/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
Compensation Administration | /hr/compensation/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Computational Research Technical Support | /its/crts/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Computer Sciences, Dept of | /colleges/engineering-computing/departments/computer-science | College of Engineering and Computing |
Continuing and Professional Education, Division of | /academics/ce/ | Division of Academic Affairs |
Counseling Center | /students/counseling/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Criminal Justice & Criminology, Dept of | /colleges/behavioral-social-sciences/departments/criminal-justice-criminology | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Curriculum, Foundations, & Reading, Dept of | /colleges/education/departments/curriculum-foundations-reading | College of Education |
Data Governance | /datagov/ | Office of the President |
Dean of Students | /students/dean/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Directory | | Division of Business and Finance |
Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success | /leadership/enrollment-marketing-student-success/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Dual Enrollment | /admissions-aid/dual-enrollment/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Eagle Card Services | /auxiliary/eaglecard/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Eagle Dining Services | /auxiliary/eagledining/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Eagle Experience, The | /eagle-experience/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Eagle Eye Care | /auxiliary/healthservices/clinics/eyecare/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Eagle Print Shop | /auxiliary/printingandpostal/ | Division of Business and Finance |
橘子视频 Vote | /students/eaglesvote/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Earth, Environment and Sustainability, School of | /colleges/science-mathematics/departments/earth-environment-sustainability | College of Science and Mathematics |
Economics, Dept of | colleges/parker-business/departments/economics/ | Parker College of Business |
Education, College of | /colleges/education/ | College of Education |
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dept of | /colleges/engineering-computing/departments/electrical-computer-engineering | College of Engineering and Computing |
Engineering and Computing, Allen E. Paulson College of | /colleges/engineering-computing | College of Engineering and Computing |
Enrollment Services, Office of | /em/enrollment/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
English, Dept of | /colleges/arts-humanities/departments/english/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
Environmental Health & Safety | /finops/ehs/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Environmental Health Sciences, Dept of | /colleges/public-health/departments/biostatistics-epidemiology-environmental-health/ | Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health |
Equal Opportunity & Title IX | /president/eeo-titleix/ | Office of the President |
External Affairs, Division of | /president/external-affairs/ | Division of External Affairs, Communications and Strategic Initiatives |
Faculty Center | /academics/faculty-center/ | Division of Academic Affairs |
Finance, Dept of | colleges/parker-business/departments/finance/ | Parker College of Business |
Finance & Operations, Vice President for | /leadership/business-finance/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Financial & Business Services | /finserv/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Financial Accounting | /finserv/finacct/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Financial Aid, Office of | /admissions-aid/financial-aid/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
First- and Second-Year Programs | /academics/fysyprograms/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Facilities Services | /finops/facilities/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Faculty Senate | /academics/facultysenate/ | Division of Academic Affairs |
Foundation Accounting | /advancement/foundacct/ | Division of Advancement |
Fraternity & Sorority Relations, Office of | /students/greeklife/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Georgia Center for Educational Renewal | /coe/centers/ | College of Education, Centers & Institutes |
Georgia Southern Magazine | /news/magazine/ | Division of External Affairs, Communications and Strategic Initiatives |
橘子视频 Museum | /academics/museum/ | Division of Academic Affairs, Centers and Institutes |
Global Engagement, Office of | /academics/global/ | Division of Academic Affairs |
Golf Course | /recreation/golf/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Graduate Admissions, Office of | /admissions-aid/graduate-students/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Graduate Studies, Jack N. Averitt College of | /colleges/graduate-studies | College of Graduate Studies |
Health & Kinesiology, Dept of | /colleges/health-professions/departments/health-sciences-kinesiology | Waters College of Health Professions |
Health Logistics and Analytics, Institute for | /research/health-logistics/ | Office of Research, Centers and Institutes |
Health Policy & Community Health, Dept of | /colleges/public-health/departments/health-policy-community/ | Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health |
Health Professions, Waters College of | /colleges/health-professions | Waters College of Health Professions |
Health Services | /auxiliary/healthservices/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Herty Advanced Material Development Center | /research/herty/ | Centers and Institutes |
History, Dept of | /colleges/arts-humanities/departments/history/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
Honors College | /colleges/honors/ | Honors College |
Human Ecology, School of | /colleges/behavioral-social-sciences/departments/human-ecology | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Human Resources | /hr/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Information Security | /its/infosec/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Information Systems and Analytics | /colleges/parker-business/departments/information-systems-analytics | Parker College of Business |
Information Technology Services | /its/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Information Technology, Dept of | /colleges/engineering-computing/departments/information-technology | College of Engineering and Computing |
Initial Educator Preparation and Assessment | /coe/ed-prep/ | College of Education |
Institutional Assessment and Accreditation, Office of | /academics/vpie/ | Division of Academic Affairs |
Institutional Research, Office of | /em/ir/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Instructional Resources Center (COE) | /coe/isrc/ | College of Education, Centers & Institutes |
Interfraternity Council | /students/ifc/ | Division of Student Affairs |
International Student Admissions and Programs, Office of | /admissions-aid/international-students/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Irish Research and Teaching, Center for | /cah/irish/ | College of Arts and Humanities, Centers and Institutes |
James H. Oliver, Jr., Institute for Coastal Plains Sciences (ICPS) | /cosm/icps/ | College of Science and Mathematics, Centers and Institutes |
Biostatistics and Research, Karl E. Peace Center for | /jphcoph/biostatistics-center/ | Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, Centers and Institutes |
Latin American Studies | /cah/latin-american/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
Leadership & Divisions | /leadership-and-divisions/ | Office of the President |
Leadership and Community Engagement, Office Of | /students/LeadServe/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Leadership, Technology, & Human Development, Dept of | /colleges/education/departments/leadership-technology-human-development | College of Education |
Learning Disorders, Regents Center for | /academics/rcld/ | Division of Academic Affairs, Centers and Institutes |
Learning Technology Support | /its/lts/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Legal Affairs, Office of | /president/legal/ | Office of the President |
Legislative Internships | | Division of Academic Affairs |
Libraries, University | /library/ | University Libraries |
Licensing and Trademarks | /marketing/services/licensing/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Dept of | /colleges/parker-business/departments/logistics-supply-chain-management/ | Parker College of Business |
Management, Dept of | colleges/parker-business/departments/management/ | Parker College of Business |
Manufacturing Engineering | /colleges/engineering-computing/departments/manufacturing-engineering | College of Engineering and Computing |
Marketing, Dept of | colleges/parker-business/departments/marketing/ | Parker College of Business |
Mathematical Sciences, Dept of | /colleges/science-mathematics/departments/mathematics | College of Science and Mathematics |
Mechanical Engineering, Dept of | /colleges/engineering-computing/departments/mechanical-engineering | College of Engineering and Computing |
Military & Veteran Services | /admissions-aid/military-and-veterans/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Multicultural Affairs, Office of | /president/multicultural/ | Office of Inclusive Excellence |
Music, Fred and Dinah Gretsch School of | /colleges/arts-humanities/departments/music/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
MyNews | /news/my/ | Division of External Affairs, Communications, and Strategic Initiatives |
National Youth Advocacy and Resilience (NYAR) Research Center | /coe/nyar-research-center/ | College of Education, Centers & Institutes |
Nursing, School of | /colleges/health-professions/departments/nursing | Waters College of Health Professions |
Advisement, Retention and Completion, Center for | /academics/advising/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Online Programs | /degrees/online-programs/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Orientation (SOAR) | /admissions-aid/orientation/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Parents and Families | /parents-and-families/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Parking & Transportation, Office of | /auxiliary/parking/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Performance Excellence | /leadership/performance-excellence/ | Office of the President |
Performing Arts Center | /academics/pac/ | College of Arts and Humanities, Centers and Institutes |
Philosophy and Religious Studies, Dept of | /colleges/arts-humanities/departments/philosophy/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
Planetarium | /cosm/planetarium/ | College of Science and Mathematics, Centers and Institutes |
Political Science and International Studies, Dept of | /colleges/behavioral-social-sciences/departments/political-science-international | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Postal Services | /auxiliary/printingandpostal/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Pre-Law Advising, Office of | | Division of Academic Affairs |
President, Office of the | /leadership/president/ | Office of the President |
Procurement & Contract Services, Dept of | /finserv/procurement/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Provost & VP of Academic Affairs, Office of the | /leadership/provost/ | Division of Academic Affairs |
Psychology, Dept of | /colleges/behavioral-social-sciences/departments/psychology | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Public & Nonprofit Studies, Institute for | /colleges/behavioral-social-sciences/departments/public-nonprofit-studies | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Public Health, Jiann-Ping Hsu College of | /colleges/public-health/ | Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health |
Public Health Practice and Research, Center for | /jphcoph/cphpr/ | Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, Centers and Institutes |
Public Safety, Office of | /finops/publicsafety/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Records Center | /finserv/records/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Reservations and Events | /finops/reservations/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Registrar, Office of the | /em/registrar/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Renewable Energy and Engines Laboratory | /cec/engine/ | College of Engineering and Computing, Centers and Institutes |
Research & Economic Development, Office of | /research/ | Office of Research |
Research Accounting | /finserv/researchacct/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Research Faculty Support | /research/faculty-support/ | Office of Research |
Research Integrity | /research/researchintegrity/ | Office of Research |
Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program | /president/mcnair/ | Office of Inclusive Excellence, College of Science and Mathematics, College of Education |
Military Science-ROTC, Dept of | /colleges/science-mathematics/departments/military-science-rotc | College of Science and Mathematics |
Rural Health Research Institute | /cbss/rhri/ | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Centers and Institutes |
Regional Education Collaborative | /president/rec/ | Office of the President |
Sustainable Aquaponics Research Center (SARC) | /cosm/sarc/ | College of Science and Mathematics, Centers and Institutes |
Scholarship of Teaching & Learning | /academics/sotlgsu/ | Division of Academic Affairs |
Science and Mathematics, College of | /colleges/science-mathematics | College of Science and Mathematics |
Shooting Sports Education Center | /recreation/ssec/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Shop Georgia Southern | /marketing/shop/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Social Gerontology, Center for | /cbss/gerontology/ | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Centers and Institutes |
Sociology & Anthropology, Dept of | /colleges/behavioral-social-sciences/departments/sociology-anthropology | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Southern Ambassadors | /admissions-aid/southernambassadors/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Southern Pride Marching Band | /cah/band/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
Staff Council | /hr/staffcouncil/ | Division of Business and Finance |
STEMstars / Molecular Biology Initiative | /cosm/mbi/ | College of Science and Mathematics, Centers and Institutes |
STEM Education, Center for | /coe/stem/ | College of Education, Centers & Institutes |
Strategic Planning | /president/performance-excellence/strategic-plan/ | Office of the President |
Student Accessibility Resource Center | /students/sarc/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Student Activities, Office of | /students/student-activities/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Student Conduct, Office of | /students/conduct/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Student Employment Center | /hr/sec/ | Division of Business and Finance |
Student Government Association | /students/sga/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Student Media | /students/student-media/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Student Support Services | /president/sss/ | Office of Inclusive Excellence, Student Success |
Student Union Facilities and Event Services | /students/union/ | Division of Student Affairs |
Study Abroad | /academics/global/study-abroad/ | Division of Academic Affairs |
Sustainability, Center for | /students/LeadServe/sustainability/ | Division of Student Affairs, Centers and Institutes |
That Great Gretsch Sound! | /cah/gretsch-museum/ | College of Arts and Humanities, Centers and Institutes |
Tech Corner @ Georgia Southern | /auxiliary/retail/about-tech-corner/ | Division of Business and Finance |
True Blue | /news/trueblue/ | Division of External Affairs, Communications, and Strategic Initiatives |
Undergraduate Admissions, Office of | /admissions-aid/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
Undergraduate Research (CEC), Office of | /cec/our/ | College of Engineering and Computing, Centers and Institutes |
University Advancement | /leadership/advancement/ | Division of Advancement |
University Communications and Marketing | /marketing/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success |
University Housing | /auxiliary/housing/ | Division of Business and Finance |
University Newsroom | /news/ | Division of External Affairs, Communications, and Strategic Initiatives |
University Policies | | Office of the President |
University Programming Board | /students/student-activities/upb/ | Division of Student Affairs |
University Store | | Division of Business and Finance |
Vibrant and Engaged Communities, Institute for | /cbss/ivec/ | College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Centers and Institutes |
Water and Health, Institute for | /research/water-health/ | Centers and Institutes |
Wildlife Education, Center for | /academics/wildlife/ | Division of Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success, Centers and Institutes |
Women鈥檚 and Gender Studies | /cah/wgender/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
World Languages and Cultures, Dept of | /colleges/arts-humanities/departments/languages/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
Writing Center | /cah/writing-center/ | College of Arts and Humanities |
Elementary and Special Education, Dept of | /colleges/education/departments/elementary-special-education | College of Education |
Middle Grades and Secondary Education, Dept of | /colleges/education/departments/middle-grades-secondary-education | College of Education |
Information Systems and Analytics, Dept of | /colleges/parker-business/departments/information-systems-analytics/ | Parker College of Business |
Logistics and Intermodal Transportation, Southern Center for | /colleges/parker-business/research-outreach/ | Parker College of Business, Centers and Institutes |
Sales Excellence, Center for | /parker/cse/ | Parker College of Business, Centers and Institutes |